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Settle for more

Thursday, December 11, 2008

The 7000 Chakras

Whilst I was meditating today-
I know, can you imagine the glory-
Well, lets back up for a minute...
I saw this one video of youtube which really inspired me to cultivate my energy through Chakra meditation- or as one sage calls it QiGong. Qi is the life force which exists everywhere.

I started my research upon completion of that riveting book highlighted a few posts ago- the one which rocked my view of reality.

So there is a Healer in China perhaps? who has a remarkable ability to control his chi- or life energy, and mixing different yin and yang energies pooled in his naval chakra (energy field in his stomach), he is able to create a sort of electricity which he projects into his hands and can be used to shock his patients and realign their energy fields performing miraculous cures and astounding physical feats including pyro-kinetics.

John Chang is his name, and if you don't believe me, why- here is the video which reveals everything@, hope you enjoy this as much as I did.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Bitter Sweet

Today I woke up, and walked to the kitchen. I opened up the fridge then closed it, but then I opened it again. There was something in the air which I could not put my finger on. This intangible thing, well I did not know what to call it, nor do I know now. Only that it comprised the essence of life. An energy field of conscious awareness that binds matter into the holographic encasement of a so called ether.

Say you want to know how to move objects with your mind. That's telekinesis Kyle. Well as far as I know, that is impossible, so quite wasting your time and start working with your talents to do something productive with your life.
I am being bitter aren't I.
If you have the talent, you would know instantly, so quite trying to be like arnold when your genetics are constricting.

I want you to ask yourself this, today... What have I done to help others, but most importantly, what have I done to help myself.

If you want answers, look no further then yourself.... BECAUSE> the kingdom of heaven is within you.

DAN and ...well I miss Rico

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Its a paraboloide

Tomorrow I have to complete a very important calculus exam. Its going to be so much fun. I am really looking forward to taking it.,.,..................... ... .

I hope i don't blow the whale phallus. Sory I dont have much to reflect on tonight. Perhaps I should go for a walk and think about the mind.
Not entirely sure if this is what is expected of me. I may have to review this material a little bit longer.
Oh well.
Stream of consiousness is fun. Yay.
Alright, now for something completely different.

It was a long and lonesome night. Sharleene lay upon the sofa in a gleaming trance like state. Her long flowing locks of hair tucked neatly in a bow upon her golden head, the beuty of the radiant maiden.........

Fuck this, I am not a prositute.


I knew it all along, its just a secret code. BAHHHHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!

I;m out.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Holograph and the implicate

So I've been reading a lot the last few days, in particular this one book entitled the Holographic universe. I know, heavy stuff..... Basically, and I mean it, basically, it's an alternative theory to/incorporating quantum mechanics- dealing in principle with the nature of reality.

The theory explains the interconnectedness of all things, and provides a creadible explination of paranomrmal occurences. Everything we see and experience is simply a holograph of sorts, the interaction of frequencies and patterns which are converted -just like a computer converts binary code/or numbers- into meaning.

The theory extends into everything from quantum mechanics into the nonlocation of memories stored in the animal brain.

The elusive unified field theory which Einstein once sought is rationalized and justified in this cutting edge scientific/philosophical adventure. I found the book extremely insightful at the start but towards the end falls short of my high expectaions. Otherwise I would have been intrigued, but the descriptions of miracles and the author's psychic/telekinetic abilites made me less then reasured. Personally I have not witnessed any "miracles", and it must be stated that my own reality is limited to things which I have observed or witnessed.

There were many parts however which resonated with me 01100101 *computer code- including the incorporation of Jung's collective unconscious and the undeniable fact of synchronicity- the occurrence of two events which are random but too close to be described by chance.

Overall, there were moments when my whole understanding of the universe felt like it had become unhinged and I was deeply moved by the contentions of the proponents of Holographic implicate and explicit orders of reality. BAH- just read the book.

It is well worth a read if you want a ride away from your absolute certainties and belief systems. It's good sometimes to keep these things in check.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Regards to Angular Impulse and Momentum

So I'm currently studying for a mechanical engineering dynamics exam and it isn't what I would call fun. The whole theory makes no sense to me and makes me question my choice in majors. There are times that I revel at the beauty of physics, but other times my stomach gets upset and my head starts spinning. I think my violent rejection is caused by the incompatibility of logic and meaningless symbols with my current schema/ box of handy dandy mental equations.
So far I have grappled with relative velocities and have handled many of newtons laws to some successful degree, however, the rotational kinematics of rigid systems is begin to take its toll on my patience.

Do you think I should give up, or apply my Maurice Richard derived "principia" of tenacity...? je ne sais pas!


These blogs are pretty naked. I'll be straight (not squiggly) with you, I feel like I am stripping. The gauntlet is thrown and I am hidden behind a transparent frame, call me Ishmael, but is this all that necessary? Perhaps to some perplexed or deeply impressionable audience there might be something extracted from my phrase, something meaningful.

Overall I feel redundant and narrow-purposed. My own joy is derived from a selfish attraction towards self-aggrandizement, the cultivation of a mind filled with dead-end axon terminals and torn synaptic gaps. I am the agent of my own conspiracy, the tyranny and embezzlement of Dan's trusty department store of facts.
Well, I hope I can see Godot arrive before we all perish by the writhing cusp of our own sanity.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Circus of Time

Is this the end of a beautiful dream?
I've been contemplating many things over the last few days.
These include topics which breach over man's freedom, and the concept of time and thought as separate entities.
But not to bored you with my antics, I had one interesting notion.
Say you are currently living your day to day reality, whatever it may be; going to work at an office, or studying for some degree or another. Take a moment and ask yourself if you put yourself into this situation or was your decision influenced or altered by someone else. Is this where and who you want to be, with all your passion and heart.
I thought about this question and realized that every move I have made has been in ought of another person.
My current desire is to venture unchained into the wild divine. To see the world, travel as far as California and walk along the beach, breathing in peace from the depth of the sunlight and azure blue sky. I just want to be free from judgment, free from emotional bondage and given the opportunity to learn what I choose and most enjoy. Such is the path to enlightenment and well-being... the paradise which I am after though haven't quite figured out the way.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Going Astral

Dizzyflame (that is me) might start collaborating a new blogger (self-published)
however, this opportunity will give me more inspiration to ramp up this site as well as gaining new ideas for fresh material for your reading pleasure-
Dizzyflame is about to go informatic (electronic) and awesome all at the same time.

Im into girls- music- money- power- fashion- cars- pop culture, and pretty much everything that you like. Ive seen alot of things, and been with alot of people= so this next chapter in dizzyflame land shouldn't surprise you?

Id like to offer a simple to follow manuel to advanced subjects in mechanical engineering.. before you say wow, I can't even count to eleven without my toes, let me tell you that I am not math oriented at all, but am extremely right brained and creative/artistic type. So having stuggled to have releseased many blocked synaptic passages in my prefrontal cortex so that I could succeed in school gives me a perspective which will help anyone who might be struggling as well or who just needs some interesting mathematical stimulus to complement their afternoon crumpets and tea.

Leave me comments feedback and concerns and Ill be gald to respond immediately! woot


Friday, August 22, 2008

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Hey guys, you know you missed me. Rico is gone, so its just Dan now, but I wont disappoint. For the next chapter of the dizzyflame blog, I am going to begin an entirely different approach- scavenging the globe to bring you the best entertainment this world has to offer, and I don't mean sumo wrestling!!!!!!

Stay tuned

- oh and to wet your appetite Ill begin with a limerick.

There once was a man from Stanbul,
he soliloquized thus to his tool,
you ruined my health and took all my wealth,
and now you wont pee you old fool!
-courtesy of Kurt Vonnegut

Tuesday, August 12, 2008



Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Skateboarding - Increadible

Sit back, relax, and be amazed

Best Street-Skater Alive: Rodeny Mullen


Yesterday, on my way to the supermarket, I stopped by some crazy thrift store which sells not second hand but left-over electronics, bed-sheets, and suitcases, ludicrous, I know! I made a sweep over to the electronic department, and low, my eye caught a glimpse of a shiny white game-boy device.

The covering was immaculate, highly technical and very appealing- it read "The Brain Trainer Advance." I bought it for a mere $10 reduced from $25, and installed 2 AAA batteries.

At first nothing, so I pressed the on switch and a jolly song began to play. DU DI DI DA LALALA DU DU BOP BI BI BOO BOP. The thing consisted of 6 training programs and 2 brain age and brain stress assessments along with some graphs to track your progress.

First I tried the brain age game which asked you to find numbers in order in a very clustered screen. I sat down and began. To my surprise I discovered that I had the brain of a 68 year old woman. I tried again, this time with my eyes unflinching and the lights glaring at the screen turned full blast. Alright, I was now at 27 years old. I tried a final time and voila every muscle spasming to make record time, I had done it, 21 years old. Still off a year but I was pretty much at my prime!

The other games were very frustrating, I didn't even pass 60 years old on the brain stress and memory games. There was a card counting game which made me want to throw the thing in the fireplace.

The brain trainer advance is a remarkable tool made by Sega with plenty of research supporting their claims. If you don't use it you lose it- that's of course in reference to the brain Casa Nova.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Loituma - Remixed



I told you there is nothing to look at here..........!

Why are you still reading this.

Teknetics: Metal Detection

Metal Detectors are AMAZING.
You can spend 3 hours roaming your backyard looking for buried treasures and find maybe 3 or 4 shards of aluminum or bottle caps and be pissed off the rest of the day, or in a matter of minutes stumble upon an old coin from early 1900s, or in some parts of The States, the civil war era.
Bullets, Knives, and Land Mines are common findings- although the later is mostly uncovered in Europe.

The Metal Detector is comprised of a 4 part system, including a speaker box and control box, a stabalizer, a shaft, and an antennae.
Three sepecific technologize can be employed to detect metal including, VLF (very low frequency), PI (Pulse induction), and BFO (Beat frequency oscillation).

VLF is the most popular form of metal detection. A transmitter coil and reciever coil use electricity to create an electro-magnetic field which has a perpindicular polarity to the coil. The magnetic field pulses back and forth with the ground- if any metal is lying beneath the surface, the magnetic field interacts with the object and causes it to generate its own weaker magnetic field. Based on the feedback of the sensors, this technology can determine the kind of metal and the depth at which it may lie.

PI is uncommon and too complicated to describe...

And BFO is simply two coils, one on the head of the deterctor and one in the control box and they oscillate at different frequencies. Any metal which interfears with the generated magnetic field will change the frequencies. This technology is simple enough to make at home, but less acurate then VLF.


Check out some successful treaure hunters in the states: http://www.kdhnews.com/news/story.aspx?s=24409


The Masters of the Universe. A knock-off Starwars movie which effusively procures every sensation of the 80s you can imagine while trying to look like a futuristic movie about galactic empires. The soundtrack is epic and highly original, the villains are so predicatbly barbaric its almost a comedy, and there is alot of silly-humour quilted into the dialogue. If you have the chance rent this movie or watch it on youtube, its pretty funny! :)

Monday, August 4, 2008

The lady of the lake

It was dark this morning. The clouds hung heavy under a cold and dreary sky. I left my house and squinted through the grey of dawn searching for the enemey. There was a soft humidity about the air. A colorless hue, something indescernable. My AK-47 was heavy on my neck and I could feel the tarnished leather pulling the skin on my back.
Quickly, I dropped to the ground. RATATA, a running sound. He was near, I could feel it. There was heavy breathing out-there, somewhere lost in the hedges. The sun grew lighter and the shadows were all of a sudden perceptable. I could make out his angry figure brushing against a tree about 70 yards out. Pulling the aim of the gun towards his lofty shadow, I released the trigger. the sound stung my ears. BANG BANG BANG BANG, the shells came rippling to the floor, and the screams were shut out by the words of my machine gun.
...... at last the deafening sounds of silence.

The Austrian Oak


Sunday, August 3, 2008


This energy-category drink is a tennessee sensation; a couple of Alumni from the University of Tennessee in Knoxville developed this motivation drink using well known vitamins and nutrients along with a patent pending formulae which utilizes a mood enhancing substance found naturally in the brain called Piracetam. The science and research supports these claims and having tried it myself, I have only great things to say about it. The website is really worth checking out!


The Future Started Yesterday




If you aren't already familiar smallville is one of the greatest shows ever created. Its themes are exemplary and the script and acting is very high in quality. The show is about superman before superman, when he was a teenager growing up and becoming the man of steel. Anyways, there is a new season comming up in september so catch up on the old ones if you havent yet done so. It will be the 8th to date.

Reading: Accelerated Learning Ability

In highschool I used to sit next to a very bright girl who was reading incessantly. No, I mean the whole day, somehow she was reading in class, before class, on her way to class, and afterclass. I was in awe of her talents. I watched her carefully and soon realized she had a new book everyday. Looking closer I saw the speed at which she was turning the pages and I had an AHA moment, suddenly jumping out of my seat and shouting, "There is no way in hell you are understanding any of that! I call BullSHIT!"
So obviously she wasnt thrilled with my accusation. She peered up with her nerdy spectacles and looked me square in the face, "you retard, why dont you go read your dragon ball z comics in french, cause i know thats all you like to read." Its true, I had a fetish for dbz... but i got over it okay!
Anyways, she wasnt quite so forward, but her response gave the same impression.
I tested her.
Several times I asked her to read a segement and then tell me what its about, and everytime she was perfect. Even better then perfect.
I went home that day to ponder. Rushing to my computer I looked up "Read Fast" and I would soon discover that what she is... really exists. She was a speed reader!
Since this blog is about success in school primarily, I want to give you a sure fire accelerated learning program from learning how to speed read and absorb far more information then you think is possible.

Go to the following site and take the test to check your speed and learn more about speedreading.


Dan and Rico

Song Request Opportunity!!!

If you want, you can request a song and I'll add it to our playlist.


Jezkola Buzz

Buzz is the first ever "easy to use" free modular software based synthesizer. What this means is that the entire system is based on objects, which may be routed in a modular fashion, giving you the freedom to be as creative as you want. For example, if you wish to run 3 Physical Modelling synths and a Drum Machine through 2 seperate Stereo Delays, into a Mixer, through a Compressor and Parameteric EQ, and finally out to your speakers - no problem. Lay down your synths, connect the wires and you're done. Check out the screenshots below for examples!
for more infor- http://buzzmachines.com/whatisbuzz.php

to download go to:

This music software is worth learning! anything is possible, buzz.

Also Screen shots: http://buzzmachines.com/images/screenshots/noulout_Screenshot_nool_Lotsa_stuff_going_on.jpg

-Dan and Rico

Neurolinguistic progamming

The following excercise is very useful if you are getting ready to give a speach or perform for an audience. The technique is simple but very effective.
Imagine your own time line: how you see the future and the past in your own head, some people see it as a horizontal line while others see it projected out in front of them. Imagine the event that is making you anxious out there somewhere on your time line and close you eyes. With your eyes shut, rise out into the air and move forward right to the moment when you will have to perform but dont dwell keep moving and move forward again 15 minutes after it is complete successfuly and you are feeling great and everything has gone better then expected and feel the relaxation and triumph of success- imagine this with as much detail and clarity as you can. Because the mind doesn't know the difference between reality and imagination you will have already been successful without ever having done a thing.

Pretty cool.

Saturday, August 2, 2008


Not today, but today as in the next day- tommorow, we should be expanding and dramatically enhancing our new component to dizzyflame's domaine- the music playlist;

Peace and Posperity

Dan and Rico

If you're into it

GI Joe Adventure

Something a friend showed me, its a public service announcement voice-over...


Friday, August 1, 2008

Fortune Cookie

If your name is between A-F

If your name is between G-P

If your name is between Q-U

If your name is between V-Z


Getting the job done

We ask many things of ourselves daily. Getting up and going to work or going to school. Some people however do neither and they are not particularly happy or productive. In any endevor you can either give it a try or give it your all. Being fully involved in an effort is what it takes to succeed, this means staying present in mind and alertness, being fully focused and ready, and maximizing every second no matter how trivial it may seem.
Here is something to inspire you or your friend if you need to find some motivation;

Canadian Hero

Excercise to Perfection

There are 5 steps to reach your fitness goals: some may be trying to loose weight, others may be trying for the elusive 8 pack, while some may want to gain muscle mass and be hurculean. Well, we have reasearched across the net and in most muscle magazines for the solution to your quest.

5 Steps to Perfection:

1) Protein is your best friend when it comes to muscle building, however, be judicious in the quality and kinds that you intake. Supplements are great for lifting but for a basic healthy physique eating eggs and meats will suffice.

2) To loose weight, dieting is the most effective option along with a simple 1 hour walk or run everyday with the goal of elliciting some sweat from your body. Dieting involves eating enough not to starve but burning more through excercise and your metabolism then your food consumption. Eat 4 small meals a day, 6 ideally, but if your schedule does not work, 4 is alright. Just try to last at least 3 or 4 days and your body will adjust to the change.

3) Working out with a well designed fitness program for muscle training will help you: http://myfreetrainer.com/ this site should help you develope the best possibly suited fitness program available for free. enjoy.

4) Sleep is again an essential. 8 hours a night will help your body recover and your muscles will grow. Without sleep you cannot regenerate and you will loose valuable energy for your excercise making your workouts innocuous and less effective.

5) Drink lots of WATER and GATORAIDE. The electrolytes and fluids will keep you hydrated and working at normal temperatures to avoide seizures or severe head-aches.

This advice is constructed for both men and women so dont be shy and give it a try. bye.

Dan and Rico
Good Journey

Guide to Self-Discovery

Many may think that by looking at their reflection in the mirror, they will discover themeselves. It doesn't work that way. To find who you really are, you must take an online quiz


Friend or Foe?

Do you feel lonely? Are you upset about a girl, or a guy? Do you sometimes find yourself extremely bored to tears with nothing to do or say? Well, you are not alone. People around the universe suffer from what we call social loner syndrome. What is the cause of this, and how can we change it for the best.

Some people, rather, experts, speculate about anxiety, depression, and bullying being at the junction of social stigmas- aka" its not your fault. A leading expert in brain physiology links everything, behavior and thoughts, to the physical setup of the brain. Dr. Daniel Amen, through studies conducted in his pioneering approach of the SPECT brain scan has discovered why we fear, why we fight, and why we ARE...

There are ways of becomming less of an anti-socialite. Methods pertaining to nutrition, and thought patterns which are all linked with communication and success in school. The last article we published on the blogspot discusses ways of being a better student, but we believe this also holds true to being more popular.

To be concise: We need to force ourselves, if we aren't naturally predisposed, to socialize and make compelling friendship with good people who we surround ourselves with.

Now some of you are reading this and saying I cant make friends because maybe Im a maverick and a loner by choice; but this is not the way to go. There are people for everyone and they enhance our lives through cultural enrichement and close bonds. Relationships and love are important components in society, more important then you probably have assigned them. The web of developement ranges too far and too complex for anyone to grapple with so shut the fuck up, and start taking a stance right now. I know you can do it, and even if you dont want it, somewhere inside, there is a little voice saying, YES I CAN.

This was written by two experts in psychology and sociologism-ism.
Good luck, Dan and Rico

How to make A's

High school is a pain in the ass. Lets face it, you are a slave to a system which makes living life a complete hell, so I say, lets all just screw our teachers and leave. no puns.
So, this is a guide to making A's and B's, and loosing the C's and under. What we must keep in mind as we run through the details is; how does one become studious, and does that make you a nerd? Its perplexing.

What does it mean to make A's in high school.

1) it means you will likely have a 6 figure income by the time you finish college.
2) you will get all the girls you can imagine with your wallet, and intellectual personalty- holds the same for women.
3) you will get smarter, if your into that sorta thing
4) you are in control of your fate, which is the most important benefit.

Now that we established why it is important, lets take a look at how to get there.

1) Sleep early, sleep is essential to memory formation and consolidation; without great encoding; you cannot have great retrieval.- you need about 8 hours of sleep; as you get closer to morning you experience increasing REM cycles which is the most important part for your cognitive developement.
2) Read excessively; the more you read, be it magazines or literature, the more your mind works and expands its neural netwoks. You will also experience a dramatic increase in vocabulary which will help get you points in english class.
4) We chose to skip 3 because for it more important; you need to have friends in school. Friends may seem superficial at first, but having a network of people you can call upon to help you out on work or assignements is a good inssurance for success, also they develope your people skills and communication ability which is requisite in todays jobs and universities.
5) Eat very well, the mind is nurrished by the food you put into your body, so drink plenty of water, eat blueberries and pomagranite because they are anti-oxidants and keep your mind healthy and fully functional; fish is a great food for memory and contains good amounts of DHA and Omega-3 fatty acids which will have amazing results on your fluidity of thought.
6) Vitamins and supplements can help, but I recomend getting these through your meals because it can get expensive after a while.
7) Remember the old adage, like body, like mind. Well excercising regularly will enhance your mind by mitigating stress and flowing more oxygen and blood through the brain. New studies suggest that weightlifting actually improves you memory capacity.

These are some key points to consider, but above all developing the discipline to study every day and practice memorizing information will be essential to your success; if you follow our guidelines than your focus and thinking will be sharp enough to study at your best and with ease and pleasure.

This was written by two honor-roll students, from two different high schools, in two different countries.
Signing out: Dan and Rico