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Settle for more

Sunday, February 26, 2012

The power of the mind

I have embarked on a new journey.... destination=success

All that I know is that when TONY Robbins described the golf swing as being millimeters from a successful hit, a chord was struck within me. I recognized how small actions daily over the expanse of several months with a corrected swing could compound and bring about profound and life-changing differences in the quality and quantity of life that each of us can lead.

The trick is a combination of time-management, discipline, and clarity.

1. First determine some goals
2. Then outline what you will do to attain that goal.....
3. Schedule exact hours and days that you will work to move forward on your objective....
4. Get into the habit of working when you do not feel like it
(this may take some practice but until it becomes a habit, you need to face your discomfort and punch it in the stomach.
5. Move like the ball being struck a few millimeters differently now on course to the flag poll. Sit back and enjoy stress-free days, huge gains in productivity and happiness, and ultimate success in pretty much everything.

I share these principles because they are sound and I hope that they can improve your life as much as they are improving mine.

Have a good week

- the flame

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