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Settle for more

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Neurolinguistic progamming

The following excercise is very useful if you are getting ready to give a speach or perform for an audience. The technique is simple but very effective.
Imagine your own time line: how you see the future and the past in your own head, some people see it as a horizontal line while others see it projected out in front of them. Imagine the event that is making you anxious out there somewhere on your time line and close you eyes. With your eyes shut, rise out into the air and move forward right to the moment when you will have to perform but dont dwell keep moving and move forward again 15 minutes after it is complete successfuly and you are feeling great and everything has gone better then expected and feel the relaxation and triumph of success- imagine this with as much detail and clarity as you can. Because the mind doesn't know the difference between reality and imagination you will have already been successful without ever having done a thing.

Pretty cool.

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