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Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Teknetics: Metal Detection

Metal Detectors are AMAZING.
You can spend 3 hours roaming your backyard looking for buried treasures and find maybe 3 or 4 shards of aluminum or bottle caps and be pissed off the rest of the day, or in a matter of minutes stumble upon an old coin from early 1900s, or in some parts of The States, the civil war era.
Bullets, Knives, and Land Mines are common findings- although the later is mostly uncovered in Europe.

The Metal Detector is comprised of a 4 part system, including a speaker box and control box, a stabalizer, a shaft, and an antennae.
Three sepecific technologize can be employed to detect metal including, VLF (very low frequency), PI (Pulse induction), and BFO (Beat frequency oscillation).

VLF is the most popular form of metal detection. A transmitter coil and reciever coil use electricity to create an electro-magnetic field which has a perpindicular polarity to the coil. The magnetic field pulses back and forth with the ground- if any metal is lying beneath the surface, the magnetic field interacts with the object and causes it to generate its own weaker magnetic field. Based on the feedback of the sensors, this technology can determine the kind of metal and the depth at which it may lie.

PI is uncommon and too complicated to describe...

And BFO is simply two coils, one on the head of the deterctor and one in the control box and they oscillate at different frequencies. Any metal which interfears with the generated magnetic field will change the frequencies. This technology is simple enough to make at home, but less acurate then VLF.


Check out some successful treaure hunters in the states: http://www.kdhnews.com/news/story.aspx?s=24409

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